Project: Review Callisto (Renewal May 2017)

  • What do we do with it?
  • What can we do with it?
  • What should it do?

Is it worth it?


ExLibris rep - Stephen Gilewski, MLIS Team Leader, Technical Product Specialists, Ex-Libris - Visiting Columbia on July 21.  Cornell can call in.


Possible topics for future:

 - Ivies plus e-resources - can/should we get Ivies+ e-resources folks together?  Tools we use, what is/is not e-resources, areas for collaboration,


  • No labels


  1. Sorry I missed this call. But I wanted to mentioned, and I believe I mentioned this before to Joyce - Kim Maxwell (MIT)/Angela Sidman (Yale) are already brainstorming on the topic of a Ivies+ e-resource group, and how we can work with the new Director of Collections Initiatives. We should connect with them if we are interested in pursuing this.

    1. Collen, Thanks for this info. I know that Galadriel Chilton is visiting the various Ivies+ libraries in the coming month or so and this would be a great topic to bring up with her. She is at Cornell August 2, but I'll be on vacation. I'll brief Peter and Jim to at least touch on this.