Lets pick one of our RM Sandbox systems to be converted to Intota.  Some variables to consider:

  • If we choose one with a lot of stuff already set up, we can see how smooth the transition is.
  • We probably want one that has all of our services activated as well, also to see how transition goes.
  • The consortial sandboxes might be less desirable for this purpose,, unless we are hoping to keep the individual sandboxes intact for a while

Decision: Jesse to communicate to Kate Howe -  Changeover the Cornell and Columbia Sandbox (C01) - This will need to have all services activated (check-boxes available). Assessment, Summon, Link, Core, ... - copy Joyce, Xin, Bob.

Troubleshooting – Discuss some possible next steps and what we want to  communicate to JSMIN, etc…

  • Set troubleshooting aside during Intota review.
  • Staff turnover related issues

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