-          Intota – Debrief from our demo.  Where do we go from here?

  • Get Sandbox version - we said that the 2CUL or Cornell existing sandbox could be turned over to Intota.  No reason to delay this.  Jesse will ask Kate to prioritize this. We need MARC updates feature in it.
  • Does it push us too much towards Intota LMS?

-          2CUL E-Resource purchases – JSMIN would like us to work out some guidelines for negotiating with vendors on 2CUL e-resource purchases.  This has some licensing and some collection development aspects to it, so it isn’t ours alone to address, but we should take the opportunity to get our thoughts included.  Also, we are looking to create a space for posting information about joint purchases and offers. 2CUL Joint Negotiation Principles and Procedures

  • Jesse and Colleen will revise the 2CUL Joint Negotiation document for the group's input before January 28?



  • Awareness Raising - How do we (licensing) know what is being negotiated?
  • Field on eNERF and E-Resource order form to indicate 2CUL-ness.  (also, MARLI, etc...)  Collaborative purchase and what dependencies there are.  Include contacts at other institution.
  • If we have a "place"  who enters the info?  How accessible should the "place" be?  Possibilities: Confluence, Google Doc (anyone with link may access, keep links in secure area at each CUL.

-          Anything else?


JSMIN Items related to us:

  1. Step up work on e-resources trouble shooting - TBD at meeting in February
  2. Share what Christina did on the Dashboard–perhaps work jointly to put it into production. (It already has Cornell/Columbia Callisto data) - TBD at meeting in February
  3. Look at Intota together-- Jesse will virtually attend session on 1/15 with Kate Howe - Demo done, discussion underway and Trial access to be set up.
  4. Work with Jesse (and Collection Development) on guidelines for negotiating with vendors on packages - discussed today, work progressing
  5. Create a place where we can compile the status of and issues surrounding potential joint e-resource purchases - discussed today, work progressing







Intota Demo Recording:


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Columbia/Cornell Intota-20150115 1540-1
Thursday, January 15, 2015
10:40 am | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)

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