Review the Client Center testing script and videos process.  None of the recordings show the particular slowness that Columbia has experienced.  We are not sure if this is due to work Serials Solutions did already, or just a small sample size of testing.

Client Center Slowness Testing (Restricted Access)

  • Revise script to exclude admin login info from view?  Keep same script, but host videos on Drop Box?
  • Awaiting "end of October" update from Serials Solutions for major slowness fix.
  • Next steps:  Articulate concerns about "functioning normally" workflow speed.

Possible times that show more slowness? - Stats gathering times. SUSHI harvesting?  First 10 days of months?  Index generation (Summon, Link, Core).

  • Susan and Jesse will re-run script/recording sessions on November 3, 10 and/or 11.  To see if Stats updates might play a role
  • Also look for a Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning to try to time with Summon index updates.


Possible Investigation - Ebrary/EBL holdings updates in Client Center.  Is there a benefit?  Do we typically need to fetch our URL from Client Center anyway?  Jesse and Heather Shipman will get more information, try it out, and report out.  Mostly relevant for firm orders/DDA.  Is Cost data added, including "local" PO and fund numbers?  Does this actually save us from having to go to the Client Center at least once?




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