-          Cornell Implementation update

  • New database and e-journal interfaces are up and running live
  • Some data entry is continuing in e-resources unit, last data has been pulled from III.
  • Summon 2.0 is next on the Cornell developer's list.  Likely moving to that in next 2-4 weeks.

-          Newest RM/CE Issue – Contact inheritance – Liisa uncovered a problem linking a Contact from the CE to a resource in a local RM.  Serials Solutions knows of the issue and has sent it to developers for review.  We’ll show you what the problem is.  A possible short-term resolution is to scrap the pan to manage Contacts in CE. - Cornell will enter Contacts in Cornell RM.  2CUL Team will revisit CE for Contacts when functionality is addressed.

-          Contact Roles – We seem to have sorted out Contact Types.  Let’s dig into Contact Roles – Susan began a list of Roles/Types here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TLX-2OrGjqApgf7tDSDRQdg_-XRKMLdN2sI_KjZB-pw/edit.  Types are the affiliation (Cornell, Columbia, 2CUL, Vendor, etc…).   Roles should probably be the job function, unless there are things we can’t convey that way.

-          Resource Status – Joyce had some suggestions of resource status values we should consider.  Check this Basecamp item for a starting point for discussion: view this on Basecamp

 - Testing and evaluating - improved bibliographic records from OCLC WorldShare Metadata.

-          Anything else?

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