Consortial Edition testing and policy decisions.  The Consortial edition sandbox is set up.  It has a few quirks that we are discussing with SerSol, but it should be in a stste that we can adequately test and decide on how we want it to fit into our workflow for:

-          Databases

-          Contacts – Messy data (roles),

-          Licenses – Inheritance is not showing up

-          Notes

RM project work – We have a project nearly ready to help prepare for Cornell’s switch to RM for our Database browse system.  It is described in this Basecamp item:

-          Let’s discuss this and assign a lead to get started.  Jesse will firm up process and send to Joyce, Susan, Colleen.

Freely available content management – MARCIVE, HATHI, etc… - Conversation about broader aspects of freely available resources and discovery.  Where records should be managed and loaded.

-                      Joyce will move this forward

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