
 - Comments on merged charges

 - Review where we thought we were going vs. where we now think we should be going

Merged charge draft thoughts:

 - Spin off ideas that come up in troubleshooting discussions to the WG as appropriate.

 - Should Troubleshooting be part of the group name?  Official project listed under the main group? It seems that much of the troubleshooting work can easily become broader than troubleshooting itself.  Perhaps the merged group is a good way to handle those situations.

 - Colleen's role?  Can we involve her in the group more to take advantage of her e-resource expertise?  Does this involve changing her liaison role or not?

Review where we thought we were going vs. where we now think we should be going

 - Steps in bringing people together

  • Seeing each others issues - when to add others?
  • Joint meetings, training sessions
  • Communicating with each other about the issues (i.e. Hey folks, it looks like Science Direct is down everywhere)
    • Identify and produce shared documentation
    • How can Callisto be integrated into workflows
  • Enable access to needed tools
  • Mentor relationships?  Each person that is scheduled can mentor the other institution's staff through select issues.
  • Identify specific easy and difficult areas of solving each others problems

Parallel work:

  • Bring documentation together - do we want a single wiki? or separate, but similarly organized?

Draft report - dependent on WG/Troubleshooting merge

 - Things we need to purchase to improve troubleshooting

 - Process to get us there - bring people, documentation, processes together in steps

Next steps:

-schedule a polycom/webex meeting of all troubleshooting staff: Update on 2CUL work, introductions, lay our next steps (regular opportunities to learn about each other) - discuss and finalize at next meeting.

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