Updates since last week

  • KB Group
  • Follow-up on Serials Solutions investigations - Jesse will contact for trial and pricing for various scenarios (hybrid minimalist to full blown deal)
    • Trial options - Overlap analysis
  • Callisto - Jesse will contact for "trialing" consortial view

Begin to develop timeline to establish joint troubleshooting – take baby steps or jump right in? – We didn’t get far on this last week, so let’s make this our priority today to decide on a general timeline plan for implementing joint troubleshooting:

-          Jump right in?  Take steps?  What steps?

-          What milestones do we need to articulate?  Issue tracking, staff introductions, etc…

Exclude: License violations - Excessive downloading, automated downloading, etc... - route to Joyce/Jesse or other designee.

First step (ASAP):  Add Jesse/Liisa to Columbia list, add Joyce/Susan to LIBIT-L - Create e-mail alias - Joyce set up. (address is: 2cultroubleshooting@libraries.cul.columbia.edu)

  • Observe, ask questions, prepare to articulate what we are seeing to other staff
  • Access to each others wiki/tools
  • Simulate path of solving problem - fix hurdles as needed
  • Identify necessary/helpful communication tools - e-mail signatures, 
  • How much access is needed?  - i.e. cu.proxy permit at Cornell for Columbia staff.

Step: Privacy Concerns

Step: Issue tracking - UserVoice, FreshDesk, Jira, something else? - Liisa/Adam's group results.

Step: Over Summer - sort out issues, identify necessary documentation

Step: Bring in other troubleshooting staff

  • Shared documentation - expand access to each other's wiki/tools to 

Goal: Fall Semester start

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