Discussed points of harmony/discord

To do:

Continue to add to the harmony/discord list

Add examples of what problem reports look like

Add examples of typical and atypical problems

Brainstorm tracking system thoughts

  • Existing system or something new?
  • Features
  • Able to take input from multiple sources (ideally all existing channels) - chats, e-mails, Webforms, handwritten napkins
  • Fresh Desk?  Jira?
  • Single instance?  Multiple, but compatible instances?
  • Liisa/Adam survey info?
  • Reporting possibilities?  Who did what?  What browsers involved?  Patterns?
  • Resolution
  • Canned/editable responses

Jesse- get WebEx set up for recurring meetings.

Next week: Plan for reporting scope and nature of troubleshooting incidents?

Next meeting - Friday March 15th

No meeting - Friday the 22nd

  • No labels