2CUL TSI Steering Committee Meeting, 4 March 2013

Attending: Kate, Jim, Colleen, Boaz (for the first item only), and Robert.  Jason Kovari and Melanie Wacker joined us for the first item.

1. We reviewed the charge for the Non-MARC Metadata Working Group with Jason and Melanie.  They are fine with it as written, except that: (1) they may not have a lot of baseline statistics to report in Phase 1, and (2) their phases may be somewhat blurred, given the nature of their work and the fact that there are only four staff involved, all of whom serving on the working group.  As their acting supervisor, Jim will invite Steven Folsom and Wendy Kozlowski to participate.

2. We are hoping to schedule our initial meeting with the leads for the Batch Processing and Database Maintenance Working Groups next Monday (Jim will do).  We'll then try to schedule the leads for the Copy Cataloging and Receiving Working Groups for the following week (Kate will do).  We will move forward with the Print Serials WG shortly thereafter.  If we'd like to launch the Original Cataloging WG in the near future, Jim will cover for Chew Chiat Naun (who has recently postponed his start date at Cornell to early May).

3. We discussed the Five Colleges Libraries' "Technical Services Consolidation Task Force Report" and the related November 2009 news article in American Libraries.  Jim will ask Steve Folsom (who came to Cornell from UMass) for further background.  We also talked a bit about the advisability of hiring a consultant for certain aspects of our work.  Is this something we should bring up with the TSI Administrative Team?  Or is there a role for a consultant in conjunction with Boaz's idea for a TSI Culture Working Group?  We will continue this discussion in a subsequent TSI Steering meeting.

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