Capistrano Development Directory
~/development/my_cute_cat ├── .git ├── .gitignore ├── Capfile ├── README.txt ├── backup ├── cache ├── config ├── private_files └── public
Inside the config directory
config ├── deploy │ ├── production.rb │ └── staging.rb └── deploy.rb
Inside the public directory
public ├── CHANGELOG.txt ├── COPYRIGHT.txt ├── INSTALL.mysql.txt ├── INSTALL.pgsql.txt ├── INSTALL.txt ├── LICENSE.txt ├── MAINTAINERS.txt ├── UPGRADE.txt ├── cron.php ├── includes ├── index.php ├── install.php ├── misc ├── modules ├── profiles ├── robots.txt ├── scripts ├── sites ├── themes ├── update.php └── xmlrpc.php
The Development Server
htdocs/ ├── index.htm ├── kitty -> ~/development/my_cute_cat/public/
The Staging or Production Server
Server Directory
* *Note: We currently don't have the servers set up to follow Capistrano's 'current' symlink. To work things out I've added a 'cap' directory:
/libweb/sites/<domain name>/cap
and deployed the sites there. If you add a symlink like this
/libweb/sites/<domain name>/htdocs/capcurrent -> ../cap/current/public
you can see the deployed site at
http://<domain name>/capcurrent
BUT it only works if you turn off Clean URLS
http://<domain name>/capcurrent/?q=admin/config/search/clean-urls
Here is a JIRA issue about setting up new development and deploy servers.
What we've got now:
/libweb/sites/ . |-- backup | `-- staging-snapshot-20131107171019.sql |-- cache |-- current -> /libweb/sites/ |-- files | |-- ctools | `-- fserver |-- log |-- private_files |-- releases | |-- 20131107022256 | `-- 20131107171019 |-- settings.php |-- shared | |-- cached-copy | |-- log | |-- pids | `-- system |-- subsites `-- tmp
Inside current
current/ |-- Capfile |-- README.txt |-- REVISION |-- config | |-- deploy | `-- deploy.rb |-- log -> /libweb/sites/ |-- public | |-- CHANGELOG.txt | |-- COPYRIGHT.txt | |-- INSTALL.mysql.txt | |-- INSTALL.pgsql.txt | |-- INSTALL.txt | |-- LICENSE.txt | |-- MAINTAINERS.txt | |-- UPGRADE.txt | |-- cache -> /libweb/sites/ | |-- cron.php | |-- includes | |-- index.php | |-- install.php | |-- misc | |-- modules | |-- profiles | |-- robots.txt | |-- scripts | |-- sites | |-- system -> /libweb/sites/ | |-- themes | |-- update.php | `-- xmlrpc.php `-- tmp `-- pids -> /libweb/sites/
Inside current/public/sites
current/public/sites/ |-- all | |-- README.txt | `-- modules `-- default |-- default.settings.php |-- files -> /libweb/sites/ |-- settings.php -> /libweb/sites/ `-- tmp -> /libweb/sites/