Here’s an update about our Serials Solutions and Callisto proposals:

Both proposals have been accepted and signed off by, TSI Steering, 2CUL Steering, and Cornell’s library administration.  I don’t know what, if any additional sign-off is needed at Columbia in order to be able to actually place our orders.

Adam Chandler, as our liaison to TSI Steering,  will be closely involved in the implementation planning and process.  He has considerable project management and E-Resource system experience that will be invaluable to our team.

360 COUNTER – We are not going to go ahead with 360 COUNTER at Cornell at this time.  It was approved for funding, but we have enough open questions and reservations about it that we do not feel like we can implement it now.  We will continue to evaluate it in the meantime.

Agenda for today:

-          Where are we now regarding  Serials Solutions and Callisto

  • RM at Cornell
  • RM CE for 2CUL
  • Callisto for 2CUL
  • 360 COUNTER at Cornell

-          Plan to plan –

  • Project Management - Adam and I started Basecamp projects to get the ball rolling.  I think this will be a great tool to help us keep on top of our implementation without overly complicating things.   We will to take a quick look at it and figure out who to include at first.
  • Scheduling – I’d like to be able to dedicate most of our regular weekly meetings to discussing and working on other E-Resource topics (return to troubleshooting, account management, etc…).  If we agree that this is a good idea, we need to keep as much of the implementation process out of our weekly meetings.  Let’s discuss how we might be able to make this happen. - Spend ~30 mins at beginning of each meeting for implementation updates, then other topics.
  • Anything else?

Talk to you later,


Action items:

Jesse request revised order forms for all from Kate Howe and Callisto.

Jesse add team to basecamp projects - DONE

Joyce - set up meeting with Scott at SerSol for Joyce and Jesse

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