Serials Solutions:

-          Update from Tuesday’s call with Ashley Bass and Kate Howe

-          Brief discussion about meeting with Serials Solutions at ALA (Sunday 1/26 – 10:30-noon) - Jesse, Joyce, Bob, Susan, Colleen - meeting at the ProQuest booth

-          Continue work on proposal:

Also, let’s take a few minutes to touch on troubleshooting and other potential topics for us to focus on next:

-          Troubleshooting – We need to get back to this in the come February - What are our next steps?   Should we assign a sub-group or lead, or leads to run with this?

  • Liisa/Susan take lead on pushing the troubleshooting agenda with full group supporting.

-          What next?  - Are there areas we should begin discussing?  Anything to continue from the original E-Resources group

  • Joint/shared accounts maintenance - Bill/Joyce will discuss and report out
  • Cancellation process - Google form into spreadsheet... Bill/Joyce possibly Liisa and Deb Warfield
  • Freely available/Open Access notice to selectors - Colleen/Jesse
  • "Away messages" rules
  • No labels