Scope: This procedure addresses requirements for BIB, MFHD, and ITEM records created to allow for the circulation of "uncataloged" equipment such as: laptop computers, ethernet cables, digital cameras, etc.
Contact: Lois Peret Purcell
Date last reviewed: 09/01/2015
Date of next review: September 2016
Bibliographic records
Holdings records
Item records
A. Bibliographic Records (created in Cataloging units)
- Use template labeled CheckoutBib.tem and edit as appropriate.
- Suppress from OPAC
- Leader/17, "Encoding Level" = 3
- 040: $a NIC $c NIC
- 245: Include the name of the circulating location as the first words in the title proper, followed by a generic term for the equipment: Example: 245 00 $a Uris Library laptops Example: 245 00 $a Mann Library Microcomputer Center laptops Example: 245 00 $a Olin Library ethernet cables Example: 245 00 $a Mann Library digital video cameras
- 246: Include other title entries for variations under which staff might reasonably search: Example: 246 3# $a Uris laptops Example: 246 30 $a Laptops Example: 246 30 $a Ethernet cables Example: 246 30 $a Digital cameras
- 500: Include a note to explain the scope of the record: Example: For Mann Library patron checkouts of digital video cameras. Example: For Olin and Uris patron checkouts of laptops and peripherals. Example: For Olin Library patron checkouts of ethernet cables.
- 948: For statistical purposes, consider these fastshelved items (948 $b = s)
- 995: NoEx
B. Holdings Records (created in Cataloging units)
- Use template labeled CheckoutHol.tem and edit as appropriate.
- Leader/17, "Encoding Level" = z
- 852: Enter location and add $x Patron checkout record only.
C. Item Records (created in Circulation units)
- Apply barcodes and create item records, as appropriate
- Fill in Item Type, Enum, Chron, and Spine, as appropriate