Welcome to C++! As the name suggests (with the postfix operator from C (smile)), C++ takes the core concepts from C and expands upon them, introducing new functionality and powerful concepts. Most (with very few exceptions) of our concepts from C will work in C++. We'll spend the rest of the chapters in the book introducing new, powerful functionality, but in this chapter, I wanted to include several sub-modules that break down to changes that C++ brings to existing concepts we had in C. There is no formal practice for this chapter, but each of these modules will contain a short one-file C++ program that you can use to demonstrate the new functionality it discusses (doing these in order isn't necessary, although the compilation step is briefly discussed in the first module):

10.1: C++ Namespaces

10.2: C++ References

10.3: C++ Function Flexibility

10.4: C++ Exceptions

10.5: C++ I/O Streams

10.6: C++ Miscellaneous Additions

With these, you should have everything you need* to be a C++ programmer, as you should be able to translate everything you've learned from C to C++. However, we can also learn about other cool, powerful things we can do in C++

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