1. From the Ares Main Menu select Search Item.
  2. Place the Ares ID from the pull slip in the Item ID field of the search box and click on Search. The record will automatically open to the Edit/New Item window.
  3. In the Edit/New Item window place the barcode of the item being placed on reserve in the Barcode field.
  4. Make note of the selection in the Loan Period field.
  5. Select Save from the Main menu, and then Fulfillment, Available at Desk to place the item at the desk in the Ares system.
  6. Open Voyager and click on Functions, and then Item... from the main menu.
  7. When prompted scan or type the barcode into the search box and click on OK.
  8. Highlight the item you are placing on reserve and select Item -> Edit Item... from the main menu.
  9. On the Item tab of the Edit Item window.
    1. Change Temp. Location: to your reserve location, e.g. Olin Res.
    2. Change Temp. Type: to the circulation period chosen in the Ares Loan Period field, e.g. 2hrres.
  10. Click on OK to update the record in Voyager.
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