Command Line (Linux, Mac OS)
- Bring up a command prompt
- On MacOS - use the Terminal application in Applications - Utilities
- On CNF Thin - use XTerm in Applications - CNF Applications
Type in:
sftp remote_username@remote_host
substituting in your username on the remote computer and the hostname of the remote computer in the above command, as appropriate.
For connecting to the CNF AWS cloud, use a slightly modified version of the above sftp command:sftp -o "IdentityFile=/path/to/keyfile.pem" username@ip_address
- You will get an sftp> prompt on the remote computer.
- Use standard UNIX file and directory commands to change directories, create directories, and create folders.
- Precede the command with an exclamation mark and a space to execute the command on the local computer filesystem instead of the remote computer filesystem.
Command | Description |
pwd | Show current directory on the remote computer |
! pwd | Show current directory on the local computer |
cd dirname | Change directory to a subfolder named dirname on the remote computer |
! cd dirname | Change directory to a subfolder name dirname on the local computer |
cd .. | Go up a directory on the remote computer |
! cd .. | Go up a directory on the local computer |
mkdir dirname | Make a new subfolder named dirname on the remote computer |
! mkdir dirname | Make a new subfolder name dirname on the local computer |
get filename | Copy filename from the remote computer to the local computer |
put filename | Copy filename from the local computer to the remote computer |
rm filename | Delete filename from the remote computer |
Fetch (Mac OS X)
Fetch is an excellent paid GUI file transfer program for Macintosh. Cornell no longer maintains a site license for Fetch.
And Fetch licenses are free for the following:
- students and employees of a public or accredited private school, college, university, or academy
- students and parents engaged in home schooling
- volunteers and employees of tax exempty charities, whereas the use of Fetch is to further the work of that charity
FileZilla (Windows, Mac, Linux)
FileZilla is a GUI file transfer client supporting FTP, FTPS, and SFTP and can be downloaded from the FileZilla Project website.
Please see the IT@Cornell "Transfer Files Using FileZilla" webpage for instructions on using FileZilla.
Note: The default connection timeout of 20 seconds may not be long enough. You can change this timeout to something longer (recommended at least several minutes) in the Settings - Connection dialogue window.
WinSCP (CNF Windows)
WinSCP is a gui SFTP client installed on the CNF CAD and Cleanroom general use Windows computers. For your own system, For your own Windows system, WinSCP can be downloaded from the WinSCP web site.
Please see the WinSCP website documentation pages for instructions on using WinSCP.