What does "hidden" mean?

From EBSCO customer service repm Samuel Neduru (Oct 2020):

"When an item is "Hidden" in Holdings Management, it is excluded from the Holdings Management MARC generation process. However, if you previously received records for these items when they were not hidden, once the resources are then hidden, one-time delete records will be generated - and then no records for the resources moving forward.

In general, when an item is "Hidden" in Holdings Management, it means that it does not appear in Publication Finder, and cannot be referenced by the Full Text Finder link resolver as an available resource to link to - for example, if you find a bibliographic record for an eBook that you have available through the EBSCO eBooks package, the link resolver won't recognize it as part of your full text collection for linking too. Hiding is really quite similar to fully "De-Selecting," but with the main difference being that de-selecting removes all link assignments, notes, proxy assignments, etc. (whereas "hiding" preserves those customizations, making it easier to re-enable the resource at a later date).

If you want eBooks to remain discoverable via Publication Finder and the Full Text Finder link resolver, you would want to unhide the titles."


NOTE: See this page for more information: https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Holdings-Management-Hiding-Titles-and-Packages-on-Publication-Finder?language=en_US


 When can EBSCO automatically change titles in a package?

From this page: https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Why-are-titles-being-automatically-added-to-my-partially-selected-packages-selectable-variable-in-Holdings-Management?language=en_US
"If the Select Entire Package option is chosen when titles are first added to this package, the Allow EBSCO to Add New Titles setting will automatically update to Yes. This will cause any new titles added to the package to be selected. If you do not want any other titles to be added, please update this setting back to No."

If EBSCO knows our order history, then they can update our holdings automatically.  Here is an example of EBSCO ebooks, for which we had a trial, then lost access to most of them:

"... few eBook collections that were part of your trial e.g. eBook Academic Collection, now the trial has been expired. Once the collection became no longer available in your account, the selections within the EBSCO eBooks collection were set to "Hidden" accordingly. When EBSCO’s automated processes update the collection based on subscriptions in Order History, a title may be hidden. The display will indicate when EBSCO’s processes have determined the title should be hidden."

NOTE: if we don't want EBSCO to update holdings, then we can turn this off at the package level.  Also, EBSCO would not know our order history if we are ordering from another vendor.

NOTE: I think we need to investigate thsi FAQ a little more to be clear when we can turn off this feature. - Liisa, 10/23/20

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