Current CFO: Aidan Connor McNay 


  • Has met with the team lead to discuss general budgeting of the team
  • Has a Workday account with Cornell - this is obtained by having a previous employment with Cornell (Not ideal, but the only way to get e-shop access as of writing)
  • Has reviewed and understands the Business Operations onboarding modules provided by the Project Team staff
    • This includes being aware of and having knowledge of how to use the p-card, IWantDocs, E-shop, and the Audit Dashboard


  • Attend any leads meetings
  • Create an easy-to-use portal for C2S2 members to submit transaction requests
  • Perform all monetary transactions for C2S2
    • This includes using the correct channel (p-card/E-shop/IWantDoc), as well as submitting reimbursements when necessary
  • Review the Audit Dashboard on a weekly basis for any/all transactions
    • Verify ones that are done by C2S2, and alert Kate Reiter to any foreign transactions
    • This should be done on a monthly basis, at the beginning of each calendar month
  • Report at all-hands meetings as to the status of C2S2's monetary funds
    • It is anticipated that the Audit Dashboard review would happen right before this
  • When necessary (twice a year), prepare budget statements for the Project Team staff
    • Templates should be provided by Kate Reiter, and can usually be found on the Project Team Leads Canvas


  • E-shop access for C2S2
  • Being a p-card holder for C2S2
  • Access to Project Team Leads Canvas


The CFO is the person who handles all monetary transactions on the team. If you want to spend team money (or are planning to), you need to talk to them. They are in charge of making smart financial decisions for the team, monitoring our overall account balance, and preparing budget statements once per semester for the Project Team staff.


  • Audit Reporting Dashboard
  • e-SHOP
    • The default Object Code for Project Teams is 6540 (Lab Supplies). Use this for most items.
  • Procurement Gateway (general gateway for all transaction methods)
  • C2S2 is Account E208017
    • Many teams have both a gift account and a "regular" account, although C2S2 only has one as a Shen-funded project team (we solely rely on gifts for the duration of the Shen Fund). If we later acquire a second account, the general advice is to spend from the gift account first

Tips and Tricks

  • Don't let the budget statements pile up - keeping a running track helps you to be aware of the state of expenses (it may help to think that, at any given time, you should know roughly how much money is in the account)
  • Keep your own internal records of transactions that C2S2 has done
    • Best advice is to have members submit to a Google Form that leads into a spreadsheet. On here, keep track of the status of all transactions, especially those "in-flight" (not yet resolved fully)
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