PhysIT has received the required authority to manage domain.Done through Barry, who wrote (11/8/13), "This was done. Both and domain authority added. Subnet authority was added for physics subnets as well."

Possible follow-up:

  • Confirm appropriateness of all others who have this authority.
  • What about <>?

Data-point from <>, 1/2/2018:

Information on handling these problems is available here:
                               Netadmin: meh26 (Michael E Hint)
                               Netadmin: ke73 (Rae Enlow)
                               Netadmin: cju1 (Cyrus Jehangir Umrigar)
                               Netadmin: kb19 (Kelly Brower)
                               Netadmin: oh10 (Oliver B. Habicht)
                               Netadmin: taa2 (Tomas A. Arias)
                               Netadmin: rbr2 (Ralph B. Robinson)
                               Netadmin: amg425 (Alexander Maxim Grant)
                               Netadmin: cz67 (Lulu Zhu)
                               Netadmin without DNSDB-user permit: amg425 (Alexander Maxim Grant)
                               127 DNS record(s)

  • No labels