Weather in Honduras

Santa Rosa de Copan
San Pedro Sula


Pack light! Everything you need should fit easily in ONE carry on bag. The airplane luggage guidelines are not our constraint! We will be traveling in (2) 15 passenger vans.
What To Pack
If I were going to Honduras, I would bring:

If I were going to Honduras, I would consider bringing...

Any of the following may come in handy (but do know that the pharmacies there are pretty good):

If I were going to Honduras, I would not bring...

They use the same electrical outlets that are standard in the US.

Pack your prescription meds in your carry on bag. We will take a direct flight but problems can always come up.

Pack meds in plastic bags.

One methodology is "When in doubt, go without." We will be a big group so chances are, if you forgot something, someone else can help you out.