
Brian and Jon installed PURLz on gould.mannlib.cornell.edu using the default database (HSQLDB, not MySQL). All members of the team have accounts with the netid portion of their username and a password supplied in email – perhaps you will have better luck than we did, or perhaps it works better with MySQL. Neither of us is familiar with HSQLDB or its command line interface.

We had difficulty doing anything, and were not even able to get to the level of the initial installation on Jon's laptop.

Among the difficulties we encountered:

In summary, this tool seems promising in design but is very hard to evaluate. Notes from the SVN repository history indicate work is ongoing, with bugs fixed as recently as 12/17, but we did not yet try to contact the development team.


Brian and Jon installed PURLZ on Jon's Mac laptop using the PURLZ 1.2 JAR file; installation was a simple series of steps initiated by double-clicking on the Jar file.





Problems with batch upload (bdc34):

I have not been able to do a batch creation of PURLs
using PURLZ 1.2. I am using curl to do an authentication and then a POST and I get a cryptic error message as a result.

$ curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -d "id=bdc34&password=test&referrer=doc/test"  --url http://corson-mac.mannlib.cornell.edu:8080/admin/login/login-submit.bsh
$ ./generateXml.py 1000 | curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt  --url http://corson-mac.mannlib.cornell.edu:8080/admin/purls  -d @-

generateXml.py is a python script that generates output like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <purl id="/tld/subdomain/test0" type="301">
    <maintainers><maintainer id="bdc34"/></maintainers>
    <target url="http://example.com/test0"/>