Author: Rajesh Bhaskaran & Yong Sheng Khoo, Cornell University

Problem Specification
1. Pre-Analysis & Start-up
2. Geometry
3. Mesh
4. Setup (Physics)
5. Solution
6. Results
7. Verification & Validation
Problem 1
Problem 2

Step 3: Mesh

Specify Boundary Types

Now that we have the mesh, we would like to specify the boundary conditions here in GAMBIT.

Operation Toolpad > Zones Command ButtonĀ  > Specify Boundary Types Command Button

This will bring up the Specify Boundary Types window on the Operation Panel. We will first specify that the left edge is the inlet. Under Entity:, pick Edges so that GAMBIT knows we want to pick an edge (face is default).

Now select the left edge by Shift-clicking on it. The selected edge should appear in the yellow box next to the Edges box you just worked with as well as the Label/Type list right under the Edges box.

Next to Name:, enter inlet.

For Type:, select WALL.

Click Apply. You should see the new entry appear under Name/Type box near the top of the window.

Repeat for the outlet, centerline, and wall edges.

You should have the following edges in the Name/Type list when finished:

Save and Export

Main Menu > File > Save

Main Menu > File > Export > Mesh...

Type in nozzle.msh for the File Name:. Select Export 2d Mesh since this is a 2 dimensional mesh. Click Accept.

Check nozzle.msh has been created in your working directory.

Go to Step 4: Setup (Physics)

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