Linear Chemical Doser

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[!Laboratory Research Set-ups^ACDF08 Labeled Context View.jpg|width=250px!|Laboratory Research Set-ups]

This research is focused on designing a linear automated chemical doser that can automatically adjust the head loss in the chemical dosing system in response to plant inflow changes. Currently plant chemical dosing is determined based on plant inflow and turbidity. The chemical doser (CD) will eliminate the need for plant operators to dose for inflow, reducing the number of variables and therefore opportunities for error.

One main reason for the focus on this doser is that it will allow the AguaClara plants to be more flexible. Plant inflow is largely variable with weather, both seasonally and hourly. In Honduras particularly there is a high frequency of late night rain storms, which appreciably increase plant inflow. Ideally the automated chemical dosing system will allow plants to respond to these weather-driven changes without an operator's presence.

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Linear Chemical Doser Research: Methods and Results

Fall 2008

Overall Data Analyses

Lever arm height versus chem dosing

Float height versus chem dosing at multiple lever arm locations

Additional Information

Chemical doser design

Parts list

Setting up and calibrating a CD

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