Exit Channel Drawing Script

layer2 - Layernew creates a new light grey layer, "echannel."

layer2 <- layernew("echannel",ltgrey)

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!channel1.bmp|width=450px!|AutoCAD Channel Program]
Northeast Isometric View

channel1 - Calls the Channel Program to draw to tank channel based on given inputs.

channel1 <- ChannelDrawing(echannelorigin,p1,TChannelWall)

Note: echannelorigin is calculated through a for loop.

echannelorigin =

p1 =

TChannelWall = 0.15m

{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!rotate1.bmp|width=250px!|AutoCAD Channel Program]
Top View

rotate1 - Rotate turns the object based on a given point and rotation angle.

rotate1 <- rotate(echannelorigin,90)

Note: echannelorigin is calculated through a for loop.

echannelorigin =

bigunion <- unionallA

layerset - Layerset selects the layer "0".

layerset <- layerset("0")

layerfreeze2 - Layerfreeze locks the layer "echannel" so that it cannot be edited.

layerfreeze2 <- layerfreeze("echannel")