General Program Information

Basics - Cylinders

{float:left|border=2px solid black}

cylinderA - a function that takes in the inputs of a point, radius, and length to render a cylinder perpendicular to the point given, along the positive axis. This function is used at the beginning or middle of a line of AutoCAD code.
cylinderA(p1,R1,L) :=

{float:left|border=2px solid black}

cylinderB - a function that takes in the inputs of two points and a radius to render a cylinder at any angle in space. This function is used at the beginning or middle of a line of AutoCAD code.
cylinderB(p1,R1,p2) :=

{float:left|border=2px solid black}

cylinderC - a function that takes in the inputs of a point, radius. and length to render a cylinder perpendicular to the point given, along the positive axis. This function is used at the end of a line of AutoCAD code.
cylinderC(p1,R1,L) :=

{float:left|border=2px solid black}

cylinderD - a function that takes in the inputs of two points and a radius to render a cylinder at any angle in space. This function is used at the end of a line of AutoCAD code.
cylinderD(p1,R1,p2) :=