Korat overview

 Korat is a dual dual-core AMD Opteron 2216 with 4GB of RAM. Korat is running 32-bit Redhat Enterprise 4.

Minx overview

 Minx is a dual dual-core AMD Opterson 2216 with 4GB of RAM. Minx is running 64-bit Redhat Enterprise 4.

Remote access

 General Info

Logins are restricted to users physically located at the Cornell NanoScale Facility.

All users (and staff) login with a Cornell NetID or a Cornell GuestID.

Your home folder on the conversion computers is your AFS home folder -- allowing access to your data from any CNF computer with the AFS software installed.


 Logging in from Windows

  1. Start Exceed
  2. Start Putty (if putty is not already installed, it is a free download from:  http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe )