CR233 and MCR233 can be used to help update the lm_adc_location_translation_table.  It pulls location code, location name and ADC translation data from FOLIO’s inventory_locations and inventory_libraries tables, and from the ADC translation table (the latter 2 joined to the first). In Excel, one can then ensure the translation table data matches that from the FOLIO tables. Any needed updates can be made to the translation table, either through manual updates, or through reloading the translation table (see for info on uploading .csv files). Any updates should also be made to CORE’s list of locations on Confluence: . These updates are Assessment & Planning’s (A&P’s) responsibility;  it checks locations quarterly.

The lm_adc_location_translation_table will not be renamed with the date it was updated to avoid having to update the table name in queries. Instead the update date is included in the table itself. Only the latest version of the table will be in shared schemas. The query indicates which fields are to be retained for the translation table.

What to look for in the Excel output:

*We have decided not to add an accent to Nestle's name as it doesn't seem to work to import it to FOLIO even if you follow these instructions: To add accent for Nestle: Insert; Symbols (on right); Symbol; scroll to letter needed (character code 00E9); click on the letter; click on insert; click on close.