As of April 17th, 2024, there are 1,429 groups at Cornell!

Here are some ways you can check them out:

CampusGroups Website


You can register to be a member of the club here


An in-person fair that happens at the beginning at the beginning of each semester, though not all clubs participate

Clubs some of us have participated in + why they're interesting

Indonesian Association at Cornell (wink) 

You know, it's our people

Piano Society at Cornell

They offer piano lessons, taught by students, at a very affordable price (for US standards). For example, as of April 17th 2024, you only need to pay $50 per SEMESTER for a once a week 60-minute lesson!!! If you sign up to be a student teacher, you also get free access to grand piano rooms at Lincoln Hall, along with many other benefits related to access at the music department.

Cornell Gamelan Ensemble

Usually practices every Monday evening. Very welcoming, and sometimes collaborates with us for events. As of April 17th 2024, it consists of 100% non-Indonesians and 0% Indonesian, including the instructor, Chris. Interesting, right? They also have a spin-off band that plays gamelan-indie rock fusion music.

Make your own club