
Orchid  upgrade schedule:

  • Upgrade Dry-Run -
    • Database snapshot, May 15th
    • Dry-Run available May 16th
  • Upgrade Training & Test  -
    • June 5th to June 9th 
  • Upgrade Production -
    • June 16th; 8:00pm

Dry Run:

Dry run is up and running:

Please feel free to test and let us know if you have any issue. You can submit issues and comments via Slack, Email or this form:

LDP  upgrade schedule:

Folio Reporting LDP Software Update Schedule

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TDX Portal: CUL FOLIO Portal

CUL Slack Channel:  #folio-info-and-support


FOLIO Community

Current System Issues


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: Loans: Renewing multiple loans very slowUIU-1295CLOSED Lotus R1

P3: When staff user is deleted, then loan history is no longer visibleUIU-2659OPENNolana R3

P3: Problems with checkout sessions timing out intermittently during check out sessionsUICHKOUT-796CLOSED

Inventory / Technical Services

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: SPIKE: Instance & SRS record updates need to honor MARC field protectionsMODDICORE-146CLOSED Morning Glory R2

P2: MARC field protections apply to MARC modifications when they should notMODDICORE-248CLOSED Morning Glory R2

P2: MARC field protections apply to MARC modifications when they should notUIDATIMP-1074CLOSED Morning Glory R2

P2: Handle delete of statistical code associated with instance, holdings, or item properlyMODINVSTOR-829CLOSED Morning Glory R2

P3: Bound-with-parts gets an empty collectionMODINV-550CLOSED Morning Glory R2

P1: Scenario 1. Protected fields are being removed from the incoming record on import. (LOTUS HF3)MODDICORE-272CLOSEDLotus R1

Finance /  Invoices

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

Patron Records / Public Facing

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

Data Import

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: Duplicate records in incoming file causes problems after overlay process with no error reportedMODDATAIMP-604OPENQuesnelia

P2: OCLC single record import takes extended time to complete when large data import jobs are runningMODDATAIMP-613CLOSED Morning Glory R2

P2: OCLC single record import takes extended time to complete when large data import jobs are runningMODDATAIMP-423CLOSED Morning Glory R2


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

New Features Being Tracked


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: Phase 2 of refund fees/finesUXPROD-3668DRAFT

NOTE: This is a larger feature request that will add the credit and refund options to the the user's fee/fine accounts. 
Configure "from" and "reply-to" address for patron notices by location or other criteriaUXPROD-2156DRAFT

Inventory / Technical Services

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P3: Enabler : Marking an instance record for deletion (Nolana) UXPROD-3702OPENNolana R3 2022
P3: Sort by LC call number at the Holdings record levelUXPROD-3496DRAFT

Finance /  Invoices

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

Patron Records / Public Facing

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

Data Import

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

Open Tickets with Hosting

*Links are only accessible by staff with a EBSCO Connect account

Ticket Number*TitleBrief DescriptionStatus
5178228Old notices being sent outon 9-15-2022 old notices where sent out to patrons; several months old.ACTIVE
5145966Production LDP - Sync does not appear to have happed last night
5151357Item records missing form LDP
5153296404 Errors while trying to add user permissionsStaff are getting errors while trying o add permission to some user accounts.CLOSED
NOTES:Related JIRA (UIU-2672, BF-317, MODPERMS-199) - Hosting will be running a script to resolve this on our production env.
5138737Invoices won't let us approve/ pay them.A list of invoice will not let staff approve or pay them via the UICLOSED
5125094 Invoice stuck in ApprovedAn invoice is stuck in approvedCLOSED
NOTES:JIRA created for this issue (MODINVOICE-414)
5122528 Data Import ErrorsThere are random 500 errors while processing DI jobs. CLOSED
5106575 Invoices won't let us approve/ pay them.A list of invoice will not let staff approve or pay them via the UICLOSED
NOTES:This has been elevated with hosting and being actively worked on by FSE and developers.
5080391 Invoice stuck in ApprovedAn invoice is stuck in approvedCLOSED


Test LDP seems to be OfflineThere is no response form the LDP test server; no emails were sent last night.CLOSED