


Discussion items

5-minWelcome and brief overview
  • Notes for this agenda item
5-min Administrivia
  •  Box documents
  • WIKI Space

  • Initial request from Library Communications
  • What was found during looking into that request
  • Purposed new project scope

Project scope
  • Is it to big? should be break it up into smaller projects.
  • Cost benefit analysis of one large project vs smaller projects

Notes and takeaways

Reporting concerns:

CiaiaSoft and the Annex

CiaiaSoft relies on the location codes for accessioning items into the Annex. If these codes change the middleware would also need to be changes which would result in an extra cost to the Library.  Affected locations are the originating locations or main locations, IE Mann, Olin, Fine Arts, and the destination locations. The addition of new locations or changing sub-locations, (reserves, reference, etc) does not affect the annex.

There may need to be a workflow change made. Items that are in sub-locations, ie reference, would first need to be moved to the main collection location and then moved to the annex. 

Collection Development / Access Services

'Main' collection locations are used for tracking purchases for those locations. Because of this locations that have been combined, ILR, HOTEL, JGSM, would still need to remain separate even though they share a physical space. This is because the locations are being used to track the 'Owner' of the items. This ownership information is transferred to the Annex as well as used in fee/fine ownership. 

Will changing location codes / names affect ILLIAD, Borrow Direct and checked out items. In particulate are the location names or codes stored in these systems and are they being used as part of the check in process. 

Discovery and Access

The catalog uses some complex logic and lookup tables to map call number pre-fixes and suffixes to virtual locations, request policies and indicate locations as non-circulating. If repeatable and standardized data patterns could be introduced into FOLIOs location data it would allow business logic in the discover layer to be simplified. 

Any changes to the location names and codes in FOLIO needs to be synced with changes in D&A to ensure that locations are displayed in the discovery layer as expected. 

Data Import

Addition of new location would not directly affect Data import as items are added to the the main location and the would be updated to its sub location. for example items would be added to Olin and then assigned a temp location of New and Noteworthy.

Technical Services

Other then ensuring that staff are fully informed of any changes there should be no real changes to workflows or procedures.

Action items

Next steps

Additional takeaways