For the Orchid release of FOLIO, there will be changes to updates to instance records (subjects and series) to capture changes associated with authority control. 

To accommodate these changes, the FOLIO Analytics derived tables release for Orchid 1.6 will include these changes in the following derived tables:


json_extract_path_text(, 'value') AS subject,   

subjects.ordinality AS subject_ordinality  

FROM    inventory_instances AS instances   

CROSS JOIN json_array_elements(json_extract_path(, 'subjects'))   

WITH ORDINALITY AS subjects (data);


SELECT AS instance_id,
    instances.hrid AS instance_hrid,
    json_extract_path_text(, 'value') AS series,
    series.ordinality AS series_ordinality
   inventory_instances AS instances
   CROSS JOIN json_array_elements(json_extract_path(, 'series'))
   WITH ORDINALITY AS series (data);