Background: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar (S.) Dessau (antigenic formula 1,3,15,19:g,s,t:–) is a
serovar of the O:1,3,19 (E4) serogroup. This serovar is extremely rare and was only isolated from
retail chicken meat in Korea and patients in Germany. S. Dessau has reaction against antisera 15
(O15) which is caused by phage conversion. More specifically, when a specific prophage
integrates into the S. Dessau chromosome, S. Dessau then acquires the O15 antigen. Additionally,
under the O:1,3,19 (E4) serogroup, another serovar S. Senftenberg with the antigenic formula
1,3,19:g,[s],t:– is closely related to S. Dessau. Given the high similarity between the two
antigenic formulae of these two serotypes, in silico serotyping tools such as SeqSero2 will
classify S. Dessau isolate which was serologically confirmed as S. Senftenberg.

Animal reservoir: Serovar Dessau was found in retail chicken meat.

Geographical distribution: Serovar Dessau has been found in Germany and Korea.

Outbreaks: No outbreaks have been associated with S. Dessau. 

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