cl.loan_date AS raw_date,

cl.loan_date::DATE AS simple_date,

cl.loan_date::TIMESTAMP AS date_with_time,

cl.loan_date::TIMESTAMPTZ AS date_with_timezone

You can do the same thing when extracting a date from a data array:

json_extract_path_text (,'metadata','createdDate') as raw_date (will be TEXT data type)

json_extract_path_text (,'metadata','createdDate')::DATE as simple_date,

json_extract_path_text (,'metadata','createdDate')::TIMESTAMP as date_with_time,

json_extract_path_text (,'metadata','createdDate')::TIMESTAMPTZ as date_with_timezone

-- When you want the month number (1-12) or weekday number (1-7), use the "Extract" function OR the "date_part" function 

-- When you want the month name or weekday name, use the "to_char" function.

-- When you want the numerical day of the month (1-31), use the "date_part" function

date_part ('month', li.loan_date) as month_number_using_date_part

date_part ('day', li.loan_date) as day_of_month_number_using_date_part

date_part ('dow', li.loan_date) as day_of_week_number_using_date_part

to_char (li.loan_date, 'Mon') as month_name_using_tochar

to_char (li.loan_date, 'Dy') as day_name_using_tochar

extract (month FROM li.loan_date) as month_number_using_extract

extract (day FROM li.loan_date) as day_of_month_number_using_extract

extract (dow FROM li.loan_date) as day_of_week_number_using_extract

You can use the "AGE" function or date subtraction to find the time elapsed between two dates. In these example, we are using "CURRENT_DATE" as one of the dates, but you can use any two date fields, cast as the same data type.

AGE (CURRENT_DATE, table.field_name) AS time_elapsed

CURRENT_DATE::DATE - table.field_name::DATE AS days_elapsed

To find the number days elapsed since a given calendar date, use the subtraction function:

current_date -'2022-07-01' as number_of_days_since_7_1_22

To find a calendar date that is some time interval from another date, use the "INTERVAL" function in combination with subtraction (or addition, as needed):

to_char ((current_date - interval '33 years 9 months 26 days')::date,'mm/dd/yyyy') AS date_record_created

...result displays as a date: 03/19/1989 – because that's how we formatted the expression with TO_CHAR

age (current_date,'1989-03-17') AS amount_of_time_in_collection

...result displays as a time interval: 33 years 9 mons 26 days