(blue star) Helpful Information (smile)

Quick Links!  

Semester Goals (High Level)

  1. Roadmapping 
    1. Establish better communication and understanding between PM and more technical subteams 
      1. PM should be able to understand projects well enough to share updates and goals of the team to those without technical knowledge
    2. Help create and manage the team's long and short-term road maps to drive C2S2 projects 
  2. Campus Partner 
    1. Maintain communication with Campus Partner (bi-weekly meetings)
    2. Ensure our vision for a custom chip aligns with the goals of Campus Partner
  3. Community Initiatives 
    1. Establish at least one outreach event per semester 
    2. Determine potential community partners (ideally introduce ECE to students in the Ithaca community)
  4. Internal/Cross-team Bonding
    1. Socials 
    2. Mentorship program
    3. Smaller/Informal events
  5. External Branding 
    1. Social Media
    2. Website 
    3. Merchandise 
    4. ECE Magazine/Cornell Chronicle 
  6. Sponsorships
    1. Contacting Potential Sponsors
    2. Sponsorship Newsletters (monthly) 
    3. Sponsorship Packet 
    4. Ensuring fulfillment of Sponsorship Benefits 
    5. Maintaining communication with Engineering Corporate Relations
  7. Alumni Network 
    1. Maintaining connections with C2S2 Alumni
    2. Alumni Meetings to share updates on current team progress and receive advice 
    3. Alumni Newsletter (monthly)

(blue star) Project updates

Campus Partner 


Current Sponsor: Cadence

Team Website

  • Updated by Aidan! 

  • Next update: Add blogposts back and subteam descriptions

  • Subteam Descriptions


Project Roadmap


Note: Add visual graphics or charts to improve the readability of the metrics and progress by typing /images.

(blue star) Wins and shoutouts


  • Add project/event, e.g., New accounts payable system installed


  • Add results, e.g., Vendors getting paid quicker


  • Add reason for results, e.g., Employees surveyed say new system makes their job 50% easier


  • Add name of person or people who contributed to the achievement

Note: Include photos of people and their achievements you are shouting out in the meeting by typing /images

(blue star) Team spotlight

Team name

  • Add team name, e.g., XXX product team


  • Add project name, e.g., XXX rollout


  • Add results, e.g., XXX product launched on time with higher utilization rates

Note: Invite the spotlighted team to share any visuals that are important to their project.

(blue star) Other things to discuss