Metadb is a new streaming data integration platform that will eventually replace the Library Data Platform (LDP 1.x) software used by FOLIO project participants for reporting on FOLIO data. Metadb is still under development. Some institutions are running early versions of Metadb for testing purposes. 

Data updates

The LDP software provides reporting users with a copy of yesterday's data from the FOLIO application server. Metadb will provide streaming data updates from the FOLIO application server. This will provider reporting users with access to live FOLIO data in real time instead of yesterday's data. 

Multiple Data Sources

Metadb is designed to be a general purpose data integration platform. 

Report Development

Building report queries using the LDP software requires extracting some of the data from data arrays. By design, Metadb tables have data arrays broken out into columns, making it easier for query developers to use.

Borrow Direct move from Relais to Reshare

Cornell's Borrow Direct service is in the process of moving from Relais to Reshare. Institutions that participate in Reshare are running Metadb. 
