
  • July 25th, 2022: Dry run testing is complete and passed.
  • August 5th 2022 at 6:00PM - Cornell Prod will be upgraded; FOLIO and the public OPAC will be unavailable until completed


Release Notes

Fixed Issues


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: Loans: Renewing multiple loans very slow Lotus R1
P2: Service point and source not displayed in Circulation history on Inventory item record Lotus R1
P3: Regression - Missing item reference causing patron action session to not expire Lotus R1

Inventory / Technical Services

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: Missing Field - Receipt status under the Edit Holdings View Lotus R1
P2: Search results not scrolling back up to the top if there are only a few results Lotus R1
P3: Holdings. Keyboard shortcuts does not act on the holdings Lotus R1

Finance /  Invoices

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P1: Encumbrance limit not calculating correctly when expense classes are involved LOTUS
P2: Voucher is paid but invoice still in approved status Lotus R1
P2: Encumbrances created by opening order after invoice approval are never released Lotus R1
P3: Order export to CSV not handling diacritics Lotus R1

Patron Records / Public Facing

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P2: Excessive DB load and calls on /users/perms Lotus R1

Data Import

TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed
P1: Data import. Using the default profile for creation of instance and SRS record fails Lotus R1
P2: Record matches are not decreased when additional match conditions are added to a job profile Lotus R1
P2: Data Import handles repeated 020 $a:s in an unexpected manner when creating Instance Identifiers Lotus R1
P2: Record matches are not decreased when additional match conditions are added to a job profile Lotus R1
P2: Need to be able to use the same match profile in the same job profile, with different actions Lotus R1
P3: The 001 is copied to the 035 when the record is updated even though it is unnecessary Lotus R1


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed

New Issues


TitleJIRAStatusFix VersionConfirmed