What LibComm will do to promote the series of exhibits and events:

Visual identity for the series for landing page and other publicity, also to be used for publicity for individual unit exhibits done by RMC, Mann, etc.  – Carla

Advise on event timing – Elizabeth

Edit/populate event calendars – Elizabeth

Email and newsletter marketing – Elizabeth

Come up with hashtags – Jose

Digital signs, posters – Carla

Signs, postcards to refer viewers from one exhibition to the others with QR codes -- Carla

Postering – LibComm students after start of semester, Elizabeth

Chronicle prewrite about whole series, pitch to UR for video/pano – Jose

Post-write after RMC event -- Jose

Potential side stories (like economics of clothing enslaved people) – Jose

Photography – Carla

Social media coverage – Jose, Aia

Prewrite for symposium? -- Jose


Marcy will provide LibComm with:

information about each exhibit with blurbs and month of exhibits by June

ideas for images by June

info + faculty/student contacts for Chronicle prewrite by July 15

potential side story ideas as soon as possible so that we can plan for additional publicity

Project Links:

Box: Textiles at CUL Exhibit

Basecamp: 2022-2023 Textiles at CUL Project