CUL FOLIO Support Team Charge:

The CUL FOLIO Support Team is charged by Simeon Warner and Bonna Boettcher of the Library Executive Group (LEG) to provide and manage the support and overall health of FOLIO for the library. This is a pilot for one year (through 2022-10). Toward the end of this period the success of the approach will be considered before deciding whether and how to proceed. 

The Support Team is responsible for: 

The Support Team members will have detailed functional understanding of different FOLIO applications and workflows relevant to their work areas. The Support Team will work with the CUL-IT Technical Support and the FOLIO Governance Committee as follows: 

Functional Support – provided by Support Team 

Technical Support – provided by CUL IT 

FOLIO Governance Committee 

  • Configuration of and assigning Settings, etc. 
  • FOLIO functional, process, and workflow questions and issues 
  • Permission sets 
  • Integrations 
  • Liaison with EBSCO hosting 
  • Oversight 
  • Enhancement requests 
  • Security 

The Convener will act as team lead with a total time commitment of 10 hours/week in order to coordinate the Support Team as well as contributing to its work. The time commitment for each additional Support Team member should not exceed 4 hours/week. 

Support Team membership: