Cadence offers a broad portfolio of tools to address an array of challenges related to custom IC, digital, IC package, and PCB design and system-level verification.

For access to this software, please contact CNF Computing

The various Cadence sub-products are installed upon request to CNF Computing. Check to see if the sub product you would like to use is already installed.

Academic Research Use Only

Cadence is available for academic research use only. Users with both industrial and academic research projects must only use this software for the academic research projects. 

Getting Started

Once you are authorized to run Cadence, you will need to:

  1. Set your login to point to the Cadence license server

    $ setenv CDS_LIC_FILE 5280@<hostname>

    using the hostname you are given by CNF staff.

  2. Set your login to point to the Cadence install location (example for IC618):

    $ setenv CDSHOME /opt/local/cadence/installs/IC618
    $ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/lib64
    $ setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/local/cadence/installs/SPECTRE191/bin:/opt/local/cadence/installs/IC618/bin
    $ rehash

    The above command may be different for other Cadence subproducts.

  3. Create a folder in your home directory to store your custom cadence libraries/circuits. We'll simply call this folder "cadence"

    $ mkdir ~/cadence

  4. Create an initial cds.lib file in your home directory. Your initial file should contain the following:

    SOFTINCLUDE /opt/local/cadence/installs/IC618/share/cdssetup/cds.lib
    SOFTINCLUDE /opt/local/cadence/installs/gpdk180_v3.3/cds.lib.oa22
    DEFINE <my_first_library_name> ~<my_username>/cadence

    substituting your netid or guestid for " <my_username> " ... make sure to include the '~' character . And substituting a library name for " <my_first_library_name> ".

    While cadence does have a GUI library editor, things will work better if you first create the cds.lib file with the above.

    The above lines are for the IC618 and GPDK cadence products. For other cadence products, you may need additional "SOFTINCLUDE" lines.

Starting Cadence

Make sure you have first run the commands in Steps 1 and 2 of the above "Getting Started" section. Those commands will need to be run each time you re-login.

Cadence is installed in: /opt/local/cadence/installs . Each Cadence product has its own subfolder .

Eg to run "virtuoso", you would type in:

$ /opt/local/cadence/installs/IC618/bin/virtuoso

or with the above "setenv PATH" and "rehash" commands having been run, simply type in:

$ virtuoso

Some cadence products also require additional UNIX environment settings. You will need to "source" an envinrment file before running the cadence product.

EG for PAS:

$ source /opt/local/cadence/installs/pas/tools/etc/.cshrc.pas