The Visual Resources Working Group provides a forum for discussing issues related to visual resources on campus, including collection building and development, research and instructional support, policy creation, and public outreach.  Members meet monthly and represent key stakeholders on campus.

Included in the charge are the following responsibilities


 Katie Addleman-Frankel,  Herbert F. Johnson Museum/Division of Rare & Manuscript Collections

Tre Berney, Digital Media Group, DCAPS

Jasmine Burnsco-chair LTS, DCAPS

Tabitha Cary, Division of Rare & Manuscript Collections

Simon Ingall, DCAPS

Roberta Militello, Academic Technology Services & User Support

Barb Morley, Catherwood Library

Eisha Neely, Division of Rare & Manuscript Collections

Susette Newberry, Research & Learning Services, Olin/Uris

Marsha Taichman, co-chair, Fine Arts Library