Answers to questions about AWS that we often see at Cornell.



What is the cost of the the Cornell standard AWS configuration?

The cost of Standard AWS Account Configurations can be broken into two parts: 

Why do I see charges from AWS services in other parts of the world?

The auditing configuration created as part of our Standard AWS Account Configuration includes setting up auditing in all AWS regions. This is to log activity in an AWS account targeting other AWS regions. These costs should be minimal because most folks aren't using regions across the globe. However, it is important that the auditing configuration is in place globally to ensure that any malfeasance in other regions is logged.

What is the AWS Data Egress Waiver?

AWS offers a Data Egress Waiver that mostly eliminates Data Transfer charges for Cornell. See the AWS blog post about it for more details.

Is egress from all AWS offerings covered by the waiver?

As of February 2018, most services that advertise the $0.09/GB data egress fee on the pricing page are covered. Feel free to check with the Cloud Team if you aren't sure about a particular service.

One notable exception is CloudFront egress, which is not covered by the waiver. CloudFront egress shows as a separate line-item and is billed at a (slightly) cheaper rate than normal data egress. AWS is looking into adding CloudFront egress to the waiver. Any campus customers who have a current or future plan to generate significant CloudFront egress charges should forward their use-case to the Cloud Team for a consult with our AWS Representatives. 

A second notable exception is Direct Connect egress, which is not covered by the waiver. Egress costs for our Direct Connect are $0.02/GB and those charges are billed to your AWS account.

According to AWS, their service offerings that use CloudFront under the covers, API Gateway for example, are covered by the egress waiver and a separate consult is not needed. 

How much are Data Transfer Charges for Cornell? Are we close to the 15% cap for the AWS Data Egress Waiver?

This chart of recent billing data shows that Cornell is not near the 15% cap of the Data Egress Waiver.

(Previous chart from May 2017)


I got an invoice for AWS from CloudCheckr. What should I do with it?

We use CloudCheckr to send informational invoice for each AWS account on the 15th of each month. Those invoices cover the prior calendar month. You do not need to do anything with those invoices.

On or about the 17th of each month, a KFS transaction is automatically created that charges the designated default KFS account for the charges in your AWS account. That KFS transaction also has a copy of the invoice for backup purposes.

Please contact if you need to change the KFS account used by default for your AWS account charges. 

If you'd like to target the charges for specific AWS resources to specific KFS accounts, you can "Cost Center" tags to your AWS resources. See AWS Standard Tagging for details. 

How come my AWS bill contains charges for EC2 when I haven't used EC2 at all?

In most cases, the EC2 charge you are seeing is a result of the standard configuration we use in your VPC. The private subnets in your Cornell standard VPC are connected to the world (for outgoing traffic) by a NAT gateway. That NAT gateway is really a small EC2 instance, though it won't appear in your EC2 instance list in the AWS Console. You can see the NAT gateway(s) configured for your account here:

The NAT gateway gives EC2 instances in your private subnets access to the world for things like Linux repos or Windows update servers. We do have some AWS account owners that do not find the $1/day cost of the NAT gateway to be worthwhile and turn it off. We advise caution around this because, with it off, your instances will not be able to do something as basic and critical as running "yum update" or "apt-get update" or get Windows updates.

Contact the Cloud Team if you'd rather not have the NAT gateway deployed for that VPC.

See NAT gateway pricing info here:

When will direct billing (though KFS) based on "Cost Center" tags be released?

Direct billing from AWS to KFS is now enabled. We have a default KFS account to bill for charges in each AWS account. If you'd like to target the charges for specific AWS resources to specific KFS accounts, you can "Cost Center" tags to your AWS resources. See AWS Standard Tagging for details.

When I purchase a reserved EC2 instance with upfront payment, how is billing handled for that?

If your AWS account is part of the AWS consolidated billing scheme, the purchase of a reserved instance triggers an invoice from AWS to Cornell. Please send details of the purchase and the Cornell account to be charged to, and we will ensure that the invoice is charged appropriately.


Does the Cornell Microsoft Agreement cover Microsoft software in AWS?

In most cases, no. See Microsoft Licensing within AWS.

Users, Policies and Roles

How can I give Cornell users access and privileges to my AWS account?

You can create custom IAM roles that integrate with the Cornell Shibboleth so that access to those roles is granted according membership in an AD group. See Creating Custom Roles to use With Shibboleth.

Can I use a Holiding ID, Guest ID, or DOC (delegation of control) account to login to AWS?

No. Our Shibboleth implementation does not work with DOC accounts, Holding IDs, or Guest IDs. (More info about various Cornell account types: and Cornell's Shibboleth Implementation.)

Please contact to discuss other options.


I deleted my "default" AWS VPC. How do I get it back?

You can create a new one. See

Will AWS designate an existing VPC as the "default" VPC?

Direct from AWS tech support, here's what they have to say about this (as of 2017-02-08):

...existing VPC's can not be assigned as the default and we can only create a new Default VPC for you.

Please note that when we create a default VPC, we do the following to set it up for you:

What is AWS Direct Connect and how does Cornell use it?

See AWS Direct Connect for Cornell.

What is the Cornell Standard VPC?

See The Cornell “Standard” AWS VPC.

Why can't I connect to my EC2 instance?

You might want to look at the diagrams on AWS Direct Connect Routing Diagrams

Can I coordinate VPC Availability Zones between AWS accounts?

In practice, no.  To ensure distribution of load across their infrastructure, AWS creates an independent mapping of Availability Zone designations (ie: "us-east-1a", "us-east-1d") for each account.  Within the same Region, there is no way to guarantee the Availability Zone that you see as "zone A" lives in the same back-end environment as "zone A" seen from a different AWS account.  For more information, see the AWS documentation on Regions and Availability Zones.

How can I request a subdomain for use in Route 53?

The process for creating a Hosted Zone in your AWS account and requesting DNS delegation can be found in Route 53 Subdomain Delegation.

How can confirm that a peering connection is being used for 10-space traffic instead of the Direct Connect.

Suppose I have two AWS VPCs that are both connected to campus networks with Direct Connect. How can I tell if traffic between those two VPCs are using an AWS peering connection or traveling the Direct Connect and making a u-turn on-campus? The answer is to look at the results of traceroute between two IPs, one in each VPC.

Here is the traffic pattern traceroute would return when Direct Connect is being used

> traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  * * *
 2 (  10.856 ms  10.799 ms  10.741 ms
 3 (  10.722 ms  10.676 ms  10.629 ms
 4  * * *
 5  * * *
 6  * * *
 7  * * *
 8  * * *

Here is the traffic pattern traceroute would return when AWS traffic is traversing peered VPCs:

> traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  5.174 ms  5.201 ms  3.095 ms

If there is any chance that Network ACLs or Security Groups are blocking ICMP traffic, you can use the TCP (-T) and port (-p) switch with {{traceroute}. The example below proves that the instance where the traceroute is run in in a VPC that is peered directly to the VPC containing the AWS Active Directory server Note that you will need to pick a port that you know to be open for the target system. This example uses port 389 because the Active Directory server has port 389 (LDAP) open.

$ traceroute -T -p 389
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  ip-10-92-36-80.ec2.internal (  7.740 ms  7.711 ms  9.136 ms


Working with Data

When should I use Direct Connect and when should I use the public internet to transfer data?

Direct Connect is mostly useful when a reliable latency is needed to be maintained between systems on campus and in AWS. Another use case could be that you are required to use a private network due to some policy, or you must access a system on campus that will not allow access via the public internet due to firewall rules that cannot be changed or because the system is only in campus 10-Space.

In the majority of other scenarios, the Cloud Team recommends using the public internet to transfer all data and updating firewall configurations to allow access to/from the internet with trusted systems that you run in AWS. The available bandwidth to the internet is much greater than the 1Gbps Direct Connect that is shared among many units at Cornell.

We also recommend using end-to-end encryption whenever transferring data over the internet. If you are using AWS provided CLI or SDKs (or 3rd party tools that utilize these) to transfer data to AWS, your connections will be encrypted by default.

How do I transfer a large file (>1GB) to Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 supports individual objects up to 5TB in size. However, when uploading large files, you run the risk of that transfer being interrupted and having to start over. Each individual connection to S3 also only gets 100Mbps from AWS.  

We recommend using the AWS CLI or a 3rd party tool to utilize "multipart uploads" when transferring large files. Most tools also multithread when uploading the parts of your file, so you will be able to utilize the full bandwidth of your machine (usually 1Gbps on campus).

The following tools support multipart uploads:

STS Token use for manual data transfers with existing shibboleth IAM roles

There are some options here:

  1. Install the aws login tool (Access Keys for AWS CLI Using Cornell Two-Step Login (Shibboleth)
  2. Docker with the aws login tool with other helpful cloud utilities (
  3. Install the aws cli ( using 'aws sts get-session-token' with a new or existing IAM user (
    1. Create a new or use default profile
    2. "aws configure --profile {name}"


Mechanical Turk

Can I use Mechanical Turk with my Cornell AWS account?


How is the OS hosting my RDS patched?

RDS is a fully-managed service at Amazon, meaning you do not have access to the underlying operating system. Patching to the database engine or underlying operating system is handled as a scheduled maintenance event:

Maintenance to RDS can happen "immediately" or in a regularly-scheduled 30-minute window. An RDS instance can also be configured to automatically apply "minor" updates during the standing maintenance window without prior approval. For instances supported by the CIT DBA team, they can likely give you the details on your current configuration(s); the Cloud Team can also help fill in gaps if needed.

It is certainly likely that this activity will result in a brief outage. Use of a Multi-AZ deployment for RDS helps mitigate that for most activities since AWS will first perform maintenance on the standby instance, promote that to primary, then perform maintenance on the "old primary/new standby". Emphasis is on "most" because some major changes, like modifying the database engine, may require updating both primary and standby at the same time. Multi-AZ also gives you increased availability in the case of an Availability Zone going offline. Keep in mind that Multi-AZ deployments come with additional cost. You will need to find the balance between desired availability and total monthly spend.

Web Hosting

What are my options for hosting a web site in AWS?

While we can help you setup almost any type of web site in AWS, your best bet may be to start with the CIT Custom Web Development team, which brokers a varierty of web site hosting options. See Hosting Comparison Chart for options. In short the options are:

Static Web Hosting

Content Management Systems
CampusPress (WordPress)
Pantheon (WordPress and Drupal)
Acquia (Drupal)

Highly Customizable
Media3 (ColdFusion, LAMP)
Amazon Web Services (AWS) (CIT Cloud Services)
Managed Server


What kind of email does AWS send to the root account email address or the security contact address configured in an AWS account?

See Examples of Email Sent to AWS Root Account Addresses and AWS Security Contacts