2008 Goals

System Architecture Group:

Standardize configuration of all machines.

There needs to be an automatic configuration audit of each machine, so a central control machine can display the configuration of any current service.  For instance, various versions of the cuwebauth libraries are distributed on each machine.  What versions are on what machine? Surinder has done an audit of our machines, but at the cost of several weeks of work. we need a mechanism to automatically do this audit for a given list of services.  I have started to create a service that performs this, but this should be performed automatically, and automatically revision controlled.  The output of this should be inserted into the wiki automatically.

Package mechanism

At the same time, we need to implement the package mechanism I previously proposed.  We  need to designate a single machine to serve as the package master for our local server package, and to service as the package repository for our repositories. As we transition to Kerberos 5 on all our machines, this will be a good opportunity to introduce this mechanism

 K5 migration

what is the time line for Kerberos Migration to version 5?   I have not seen a time line.  Why is there no communication with respect to this configuration change?  There were significant problems in the last version of CUWEBAUTH which led me to have to backup to a previous release.  I will need significant time to retest the Kerberos implementation for the catalog.  So far there has been no information from managment.

Voyager Installation -

new release installation.

update all customizations.

install new customizations.

Voyager Oracle upgrade to 10g will be done same time as Voyager 7.

Also, when we go Oracle 10g, Lydia will need to update and re-issue all of the currently distributed databases

Luna Installation -

    1. Installation of
    2. Create the google search interface to each collection, and the update procedure for that.
    3. At the same time, as noted in the list of tasks, produce a mechanism to give a thumbnail for each accession number, to be displayed in TMS
    4. Assign each Luna item a handle.
    5. Make Luna OAI harvestable.
    6.       CommonSpot Upgrade:
                  Confluence upgrade to release 7. (will cost about $2500)

            Commonspot software upgrade to release 6.

Oracle upgrades:

            Oracle upgrade to 10g on Luna System

            Oracle upgrade to 10g on CommonSpot System

            Oracle upgrade to 10g on ERMS

Web Vision / Create rss feeds for

current BorrowDirect items

Current patron info

New books - customizable -- real time.

Web Vision  /

LibX - customize

LibX - openURL resolver script

LibX - Search for statistics purposes


Search by subject

Correct statistics

better error handling

integration with catalog,


Continues and may require more reports, especially if the project is extended to include more items Renovation of Olin Library:

Another thing coming down the pike that will require Lydia's time in 2008 is reporting for the renovation project (emptying the 7th floor by 2009) Ongoing support of Mysql database:

            RSRS - reference statistics reporting system will need some work to implement user requests.

            Event database - evaluate whether this needs to be supported with the implementation of the new cornell wide event database.

E-Publishing Technologies group

Euclid goals:

Re-establish our development environment, with both Euclid and CIT systems, developement and production, tied to DPubS CVS repository

Get data processes caught up

Get services back up:

Services in need of upgrade:

New Services:

DPubS goals:

Finish code work on Editorial Service

Get feedback on Admin and Editorial Service, modify code based on this

Adequately support any DPubS users