Scope:  This document outlines the procedure that LTS Acquisitions staff follow when processing a cancellation for materials that were not supplied by the vendor or that the subject specialist requested we cancel.

Contact: Masayo Uchiyama

Unit: Acquisitions, Ordering

Date last reviewed: 07/21/21 

Date of next review: May 2022

A.  Cancelling the Order  

In the FOLIO POL (purchase order line), make a notation in the line item Receiving note and Cancellation description by clicking Actions-Edit with the following information:

  • The reason the title was cancelled: Example: Out-of-Print (or "OP") Out-Of-Stock Indefinitely (or "OSI") Publication Abandoned (or "PA")
  • The phrase, "Order Cancelled" (or "OC") or just "CANCELLED"

  • Your netID and Today's date Example: OP - CANCELLED - lat3 7/21/21

B.  Adjusting the Inventory Records   

  • Click on the hyperlink in your POL to take you to the Inventory app
  • When the cancelled title is associated with a title that has only one location, suppress the Instance, holding and item for the FOLIO record associated with the order.
  • Add appropriate note in the holdings call number prefix "CANCELLED" by clicking Actions-Edit and add the same note in the Holding note field as you did on your POL.
  • When the cancelled title is associated with a bibliographic record that has multiple locations, suppress ONLY the holding and item associated with the order.   


C.  Notifying the Selector when cancellation is received from the vendor:

  • E-mail the ordering selector to alert him/her of the cancelled title
  • Include POL number, title, and Instance record number for the publication
  • Discard the cancellation notification from the vendor.