E-beam Pattern Conversion and Proximity Correction

Equipment Training
Layout BEAMER training is part of the General Electron Beam Lithography Training. See CNF Lab Users Electron-Beam Lithography page for details on trainings.


The preparation of large layout data for e-beam direct write requires a highly efficient, flexible and robust framework for design and execution of complex processes including layout handling, processing, PEC, process modeling & correction, inspection and conversion to the machine format. Layout BEAMER is a highly intuitive, process flow driven layout processing solution.


Large Beamer Flows:

If you are processing a large BEAMER design, you may need more resources than those available on the physical CNF conversion computers. We have you covered – BEAMER can be run in the cloud on AWS for low hourly rates. CNF Computing will work with you to set up a virtual machine optimized for your jobs memory, cpu, and/or disk I/O and storage requirements.

Shared Licensing

The BEAMER license is shared among all our users running BEAMER software.

To ensure you do not eat up the entire BEAMER license at once, under File - Properties - General - Computation, please make sure the "Number of threads" setting is no larger than 4.


Invoking Beamer:

On the CNF conversion computers, the current version of GenISys Beamer can be invoked with any of the following commands (don't type in the dollar sign, that is the command prompt):

# On Minx:
$ LayoutBeamer
$ LayoutBEAMER
$ LayoutBeamer.csh

# On Korat:
$ beamer


A previous version of GenISys Beamer may be available in case of bugs found in the most recently installed version. Invoke the previous version of Beamer with the following command:

# MINX Only:
$ beamer-previous


Occassionally, CNF will beta-test a new version of GenISys Beamer. If available, the developmental test version of Beamer may be invoked with the following command:

# MINX Only:
$ beamer-devel

Python Invocation

Beamer includes a python library. We have created two shell scripts which start Python with your environment appropriately set for Beamer.

To use the production version of Beamer with Python:

# Python3 version:
$ beamer-python [additional arguments]
# Python 2 version:
$ beamer-python2 [additional arguments]


To use the devel version of Beamer with Python:

# MINX Only:
$ beamer-devel-python [additional arguments]

In your python script, you will need to import "BEAMERpy" .