Accounts You May Need

Slack: This is a messaging app consisting of workspaces (FOLIO) and channels (bug-fest, folio-documentation, and many others).  You can access Slack on the Web or install the app.  Bug-fest is very helpful but a "private" channel.  Join the FOLIO workspace.  Debra Howell can add you to the bug-fest channel.

TestRail: Bug Fest test cases are here.  Debra Howell can get you an account.  Once the process is initiated, you'll get an email from TestRail ( with a link to set your password.  Log in to the FOLIO TestRail instance.

JIRA: Much of the FOLIO wiki is open to everyone to view, but for restricted sections you'll need a JIRA account.  Sign up here. The JIRA account gives you access to Honeycomb, which contains important instructions regarding Bug Fest.  When you log into JIRA you'll need to use your username, not your email address. 

Bug Fest Test Site: This is where you'll run the tests listed at TestRail.  See the FOLIO Bug Fest site listed in the above JIRA section for sign-in credentials. 

Creating a New Account in the Bug Fest FOLIO Test Instance

See minutes 44 through 48 of Anya's 10/20/20 Bug Fest overview.

A few notes: If you set up an account using your name, it may be easier to remember than making a fake one.  For Patron Group, choose anything from what's listed.  Username is essential, despite not having a red asterisk next to it; find it under Extended Information.  Use a real email address - fake email could cause the FOLIO project to be considered spam, but you'll need a valid email address (or perhaps a phone number) in order to set your user's password (which can be done once you're done setting up the account).  What you define for permissions determines what apps your user will see at the top of the screen.  

To set the user's password -  a "Folio password" entry, to the right of Username in Extended Information, will appear after you've saved the user account information and then chosen Edit.  This will give you the option to send the user a password reset email. Or finish setting up the user, log out of the folio account, and do the following: at the login screen, choose Forgot Password, and put in the newly-created username or email address.  You'll then get a password reset email.