Two-factor authentication requires a user to log in with a username, password and a second factor, such as a Duo two-factor option. You can configure your website to require two-factor authentication to provide greater security for your service.

Configuration Option 1 - Apache Users

AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting authnContextClassRef
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
    Require authnContextClassRef ""
    Require shib-session
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting authnContextClassRef
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
ShibRequireAll on
ShibCompatWith24 on
Require shib-session
Require authnContextClassRef ""

If this site only require Two-Factor for certain location, this configuration will not work reliably. If the user doesn't have valid session and requests content in the Two Factor requireddirectory first, two-factor will be enforced. If the user requests content from your site that NOT requires Two Factor and then requests content in the Two Factor directory, user may get authorization deny error if user hasn't completed two factor.