Inclusive terms

Avoid terms and language that are sexist, agist, culturally insensitive, or biased in other ways. Substitute with more open terms.

freshman students

first-year students


young, talented minds

talented minds







host [for any gender]



actor [for any gender]

Regarding the use of “alumni”: This plural form (which is technically masculine) has been widely accepted for referring to a group of mixed sexes or gender. However, when referring to a group that is exclusively female use “alumnae” instead.

Lastly, when using cultural references and examples, feature diversity of all kinds as much as possible.

Personal pronouns

In most cases, use “he or she” for third-person, singular personal pronouns. If this proves cumbersome, turn your antecedent noun (i.e., what the pronoun is a substitute for) into the plural form and then subsequently use “they.”

A student Students can explore his or her their intellectual interests at Cornell. He or she has They have great flexibility in choosing majors and minors.

However, if the individual prefers it, “they” may be used to refer to that individual in the third person. This applies even to formal writing. Other gender-neutral personal pronouns (along with guidelines for their use) are listed in Cornell’s LGBT Resource Center's web page.

To capitalize or not to capitalize “black”

When referring to the cultural or ethnic group (particularly connected with the African Diaspora), you can choose to capitalize “Black”—especially if the context and audience of your piece calls for it.

Note, however, that the lowercased “black” (vis-à-vis the lowercased “white”) is also used.

Consult with your stakeholders, decide wisely, and be consistent within your piece.