Scope: This document outlines the procedure that Library Technical Services serials receiving staff follow when an issue is received in response to a sample request/order.

Contact: Joanna Cerro

Unit: Serials Management

Date last updated: 05/06/2019

Date of next review: May 2020

A. Line Item

  1. In the Acquisitions module of Voyager, display the Purchase Order for the title in hand.
  2. Display Line Item Details -> Delivery Options:
    1. Make a note of the requester on the Decision Flyer.
      Example: "Sample issue, please route to Martha Walker on arrival"
    2. Record issue received in Line Item Notes field.
      Example: no.3 (2000).
    3. Click on Recv/Mark tab to receive the sample on the purchase order.

B. Bibliographic Record  

Display the bibliographic record and suppress from OPAC

  C. Holdings Record

Display Holdings Record:

D. Routing

Send issue received to the selector, along with the Decision Flyer.