The temporary guidelines below should be followed for processing invoices remotely:


For invoices that are emailed to us as pdf’s, or are readily available for download through their online customer portals (EBSCO,  Harrassowitz and Casalini)


Download the invoice, save it and process as you normally would in Voyager.


Using Adobe’s “Add Text” feature, Add to the invoice,  “LTS Receiving, the date, your initials and the Voucher Number”  Make it large enough so that it can be easily seen.


See the example below: 




Accounting has set up a shared folder for LTS & Finance & Budget – FBO-LTS (X:\FBO-LTS).


Within the shared drive, there are 4 folders:


Please submit the invoices in the following format:


If you’re paying an e-resource invoice that requires approval by Liisa or Jesse, - submit the invoice along with a copy of their email approving the payment as: